Home / 求人情報 / Sojitz Corporation of Europe B.V.
職種 |
Accounting Administrator (Fixed-contract basis/maximum one year) |
業務内容 |
-Control and register purchase invoices with the accounting system after checking their legal format and validation.
-Prepare payment data for purchase invoices using online banking system.
-File and store booking related documents, bank statements and other finance and accounting related documents in digital / paper form.
能力、スキル |
-Work permit holders in the Netherlands.
-English required, Japanese desirable
-Working experience as administrator or similar position
-Basic PC skill (Excel, Word, Internet, Email, etc.)
-General knowledge of accounting and finance such as book-keeping, VAT, and bank remittance
勤務地 |
Amsterdam Office
Rembrandt Tower 11F, Amstelplein 1, 1096 HA Amsterdam
その他 |
-Working conditions: Monday – Friday 9:00-17:30 / Part-time: Possible
-Benefits: Commuting costs paid and paid leave available
-How to apply: Please email your CV to the contact person in charge. We will contact you to arrange an interview.
-This position is a replacement position for an employee who is taking parental leave (The contract period is up to about one year).
担当者名 |
Gerrie Hendriks |
担当者Tel |
担当者Email |
hendriks.gerrie@sojitz.com |
ファイル |