
11/29開催 JCC/JETRO/AKD共催 コロナ禍における労務問題Q&Aウェビナー

Covid-19: Q&A Webinar for Employers 2021

Dear JCC ordinary members,

JCC is pleased to invite you to a seminar organised in cooperation with JETRO Amsterdam and AKD on 29 November 2021.

  • Date/Time:Monday 29 November 2021 from 14:15 to 15:55 (CET)
  • Webinar system:Demio (You can join from web browsers.)
  • Language:English, Japanese summary
  • Program:Please see below.

By registration, your name and email address will be also registered with Demio, the webinar system.

for the purpose of joining this webinar.

After registration, you will receive a confirmation email including login details from

  • Question submission form for registered participants:Link
  • Question submission deadline:Monday 15 November 2021
  • Registration deadline:Monday 22 November 2021

The Covid-19 measures have lifted mostly, and many companies started gradually relaxing ‘work from home’ policy, but this enduring uncertainty still raises many questions for employers, especially on employment and related issues.

In this seminar, we will present the latest updates on the Covid-19 from a legal/tax perspective, and focus on those issues that employers are facing during the ongoing Covid-19 situation. In addition to addressing frequently asked questions, we will also answer your own questions in order to check the points of attention and enable you to handle the possible upcoming challenges in a practical way.

Please send us your questions by Monday 15 November using theLink.  Questions submitted after the deadline may not be covered.

Examples of issues you may want us to address:

  • Working from home (equipment, wages / allowances, requests from employees, monitoring of work, etc.)
  • How to treat unvaccinated employees?
  • Dismissal
  • Preparing for a return to normal


14:15-14:30           Webinar system login
14:30-14:40           Opening by JCC/JETRO/AKD
14:40-15:25           The latest updates on the Covid-19 from the employment law and tax perspective
15:25-15:40           Japanese summary
15:40-15:55           Q&A
15:55                     Closing

Should you have any questions about the webinar, please feel free to contact JCC.  TEL: 020 662 1457