
【登録締め切りました】 JCC/JETRO/AKD共催 コロナ禍における労務問題Q&Aセミナー


ご出席希望の会員様はJCC事務局まで至急お知らせください。(TEL:020 6621 457)







  • 在宅勤務関連(設備、賃金・手当、従業員からの要望、業務のモニタリング等)
  • 労務関連の政府施策に関して
  • 政府の出す感染防止策の対応方法に関して
  • 解雇に関して
  • オフィス勤務・通常業務に戻るにあたって 等


‐          日時:2020年11月25日(水) 14:15~15:40(オランダ時間)

‐          使用ツール:Demio (各種Webブラウザよりご参加可能です。)

‐          参加費:無料

‐          使用言語:英語、日本語要約

‐          プログラム:下記参照

‐          質問申し込み期限:11月13日(金)

‐          ウェビナー申し込み期限:11月20日(金)



14:15 – 14:30 ウェビナーリンクより各自ログイン準備、開始

14:30 – 14:40 開会挨拶 (JCC/JETRO/AKD)

14:40 – 15:30 ウェビナー

15:30 – 15:40 日本語サマリー
15:40       閉会


JCC, JETRO, AKD joint webinar
“Covid-19 : Q&A Webinar for Employers”


The Covid-19 pandemic is unfortunately continuing to make an impact on our lives and the work environment. This enduring uncertainty still raises many questions for employers, especially on employment and related issues.


In this Q&A style webinar, we will focus on those issues that employers are facing during the pandemic. From a legal/tax perspective, in addition to addressing frequently asked questions, we will also answer your own questions in order to check the points of attention and enable you to handle the possible upcoming challenges in a practical way.


Please send us your questions by Friday 13 November using the link below. Questions submitted after the deadline may not be covered.


Examples of issues you may want us to address:

  • Working from home (equipment, wages / allowances, requests from employees, monitoring of work, etc.)
  • Government measures related to employment
  • How to react to the prevention measures by the government
  • Dismissal
  • Preparing for a return to normal


These are just examples; if you want us to cover other employment and related topics, simply submit your questions.



‐          Date/Time:Wednesday 25 November from 14:15 to 15:40 (CET)

‐          Webinar system:Demio (You can join from web browsers.)

‐          Admission fee:free of charge

‐          Language:English, Japanese summary

‐          Program:Please see below.

‐          Registration:Please register your attendance on the JCC website. By registration,

your name and email address will be also registered with Demio, the webinar system

for the purpose of joining this webinar, and you agree to these Demio’s terms & conditions.

Login detail will be sent to the attendee separately.

‐          Question submission deadline:Friday 13 November

‐          Registration deadline:Friday 20 November



14:15 – 14:30 Webinar system Login

14:30 – 14:40 Opening by JCC/JETRO/AKD

14:40 – 15:30 Q&A Webinar

15:30 – 15:40 Japanese summary
15:40         Closing