
JCC/JETRO/EY Seminar “Preparation of the human rights related risks and human capital disclosure in ESG strategies”



“Preparation of the human rights related risks and human capital disclosure in ESG strategies

Dear JCC member companies,

We are pleased to invite you for the seminar which will be held on Friday, 25 March with full supports from  EY Japan Business Services (JBS) and JETRO. In this seminar, experts will explain about sustainability matters which Japanese companies in the Netherlands are facing or will face in the future, especially in a view of “human”.

“ESG (Environmental, social and governance)” has been focused more and more in the past 10 years. Especially in 2021, there were major movements such as announcement of CSRD in Europe, holding of COP26, revision of Corporate Governance Code in Japan. Environmental measures (“E” in ESG) has been widely recognized as management matters as well as major business opportunities of companies.

In addition to the environment-related matters, we see nowadays the news related to human rights more and more. The issue in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has got an attention of people last year. In Europe and also in the Netherlands, regulations to protect various human rights has been discussed and introduced. Therefore, needs of preparation for the Social aspect (“S” in ESG) including supply chain management has been increasing to improve the corporate value, dialogues with investors as well as avoid significant reputation risks.

Under these circumstances, we would like to take up this matters for the seminar topics and updates the trend of international human rights and the movements of Japanese government, introduce actual cases of Dutch companies in the past and discuss about the matters and preparation for companies in the Netherlands to increase their corporate values.

Please register your attendance on the JCC website ( before Monday, 21 March . We will send a link or more details of the seminar to the participates.

This seminar will be held as a hybrid seminar and it is possible to attend physically at EY Amsterdam office. It is limited and first 30 people will be able to attend. For those people, we will organize a casual lunch reception after the seminar. If you would like to come to the EY Amsterdam office, please write “actual visit” in the registration form. Please note that if the number of the participants at the office will be less than 10, the seminar will be held only online.

If you have any questions regarding this seminar, please feel free to contact JCC office.


We are looking forward to your participation to this seminar.


Date and time:                       10:00-11:30 (CET) on Friday, 25 March 2022 (broadcast time)

Method:                                                      Hybrid (online and physical visit to wavespace at EY Amsterdam office)

Participation fee:                 Free of charge

Deadline:                                                       Monday, 21 March 2022

Language:                                                      English (with Japanese summary except panel discussion)

Program:                                                        Please see below

How to register:                         JCC website


9:00-9:45                   Registration (only for people who will come to the EY office)


10:00-10:05               Opening Remarks by JCC


10:05-10:15                Trend of international human rights and Japanese Government affecting businesses

Masataka Nagoshi

Senior Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS), EY Japan


10:15-10:30            Regulation of Human rights and disclosure of Human resource in Netherlands

Requirement of CSRD disclosure, especially “Social” and restriction of Human right regulation including “Human right due diligence law”

Alex Jöersen, Sustainability Assurance Manager, EY Netherlands


10:30-10:45               Human Rights Risk Management (Supply Chain) and Due Diligence

How to approach to Human Rights Risk Management and Due Diligence, including tooling solutions and challenges for out there.

Erik Wedershoven

Senior Manager, Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS), EY Netherlands


10:45-10:55               Japanese summary of above topics                                         Masataka Nagoshi


10:55-11:20               Panel discussion “How to manage human rights risks along with compliance and business strategy including case studies”

  • Masataka Nagoshi
  • Alex Jöersen
  • Erik Wedershoven
  • Gladys Bos Deuning, Partner, People Advisory Services Partner, EY Netherlands

*Moderator: Manabu Yamaguchi

International Director, Japan Business Services, EY Netherlands


11:20-11:30              Summary of the seminar and closing remarks

Hideki Tominaga, Partner, Japan Business Services Partner, EY Netherlands


11:30-13:00              Casual lunch reception (only for people who will come to the EY office)


*Please note that the agenda and the person(s) in charge are subject to change without notice.