
Past Seminar


JCC/JETRO/Centre People/ Japan Consulting Office共催 不況を乗り切るための人材採用・活用セミナー

資料ご希望の方は事務局までご連絡ください。 JCC投資事業環境部会 JCC会員各位 貴社益々ご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。 さて、この度JCCはJETROアムステルダム事務所、Centre People、Japan Consulting Officeの全面的なご協力のもと、10月12日(木)に人材採用・活用セミナーを開催いたします。 オランダでは欧州他国と同様、深刻な人材不足の長期化が問題となっています。先般の「JCC通常会員企業アンケート」でも会員企業から採用難、人材不足、コロナを経て労働者の働き方が変化したことによる人材マネジメントや新規採用の困難さ、労働者の離職率の増加などを課題とする声が多数寄せられております。 当セミナーではオランダでの人事・採用に関し、人材マーケット情報や、成功する採用の基礎から具体例までの詳細をCentre Peopleのご専門家に具体的にご講演いただきます。また、採用した人材を最大限活用し生産性を向上させる術の手法を「企業内での異文化コラボを成功させるカギ」と題し、Japan Consulting Officeのご専門家に詳しくご説明いただきます。当日の講演詳細は以下添付プログラムをご覧ください。 セミナー後は講師の方々を交えた意見、情報交換および、会員間の交流の場としてのネットワーキングのお時間も設けています。本セミナーが皆様の情報収集のお役に立てれば幸いです。 関係者一同皆様のご参加を心よりお待ち申し上げております。 記 日時:2023年10月12 日(木) 15:00~18:00 (14:30受付開始、ネットワーキングセッション1時間を含む) 会場:Element Amsterdam (Arend Janszoon Ernststraat 577, 1082 LD Amsterdam) Gelderland Shopping centre 内のホテル。ショッピングセンター駐車場(有料)あり。 使用言語:日本語 参加費:無料 お申し込み方法:JCCウェブサイトへ会員ログインの上お申し込みください 申し込み期限:10月9日(月) 募集人数:70名(先着順、応募多数の場合は一社1名参加にご協力いただく場合がございます。) 当日のアジェンダ 14.30 受付開始 15.00: 開会の辞 (JCC) 15.03-15.50: ご挨拶 – 土谷 俊明氏(Managing Director, Centre People Appointments BV) 2023年最新の人材マーケットについて アフターコロナ:労働者側の変化と企業に求められるもの / 木元 美妃氏 (Associate Director, Centre People Appointments Ltd) 日本と欧州の採用の違い、採用手法の紹介、売り手市場で勝ち抜く採用 転職理由から紐解く労働者の今、リテンションの重要性 / 野澤 宏貴氏(General Manager, Centre People Appointments BV) 休憩(10分) 16.00- 16.45 : 異文化間のコラボレーションを成功させるカギ:多国籍会議におけるコミュニケーションと生産性の向上 日本人や外国人社員が職場で直面するチャレンジ 日本と欧米の教育の違いとビジネス文化への影響 会議の生産性とコミュニケーションを向上させるカギ コラボレーションを成功させるための実用的ヒント / Olivier van Beneden氏(Managing Director, Japan Consulting Office) 16.45 – 17.00 Q&A 17.00 – 18.00 ネットワーク 18.00 閉会

August 26, 2023


JCC/JETRO/PwC Seminar 2024 Netherlands business update

Registration closed JCC/JETRO/PwC Seminar 2024 Netherlands business update Dear JCC Members, The JCC and JETRO Amsterdam office are pleased to announce we will be holding the following seminar together with PwC Netherlands. The title of the seminar is “2024 Netherlands business update” and will include detailed explanations from PwC’s economist and specialists on the following key topics for Japanese businesses: Latest economic updates and political developments following the collapse of the coalition government Automation as a means of overcoming challenges in the labor market ESG Tax and other reforms Please see below for a detailed program of the day. The seminar will also include a networking session for our members […]

August 21, 2023


JCC /JETRO/KPMG Seminar Towards sustainable management in the Netherlands ~Manage ESG risks, Securing human resources and Tax update~

The registration is closed, if you still want to register please contact JCC secretariat asap. JCC /JETRO/KPMG Seminar Towards sustainable management in the Netherlands ~Manage ESG risks, Securing human resources and Tax update~     JCC Investment Business Environment Subcommittee  Dear JCC member,   We are pleased to invite you to join the JCC /JETRO/KPMG Seminar on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Starting from the Paris Agreement, the European Commission has been implementing several policy packages like the European Green Deal, Fit for 55 and the Sustainable Finance Action Plan. A changing regulatory environment compounded by heightened expectations from stakeholder groups from investors to employees to customers has made ESG a […]

May 26, 2023


JCC/JETRO/WK ADVOCATEN Seminar on Dutch Labor/Employment Law

JCC/JETRO/WK ADVOCATEN Seminar on Dutch Labor/Employment Law     JCC Investment Business Environment Subcommittee     Dear JCC Ordinary member,   We are pleased to invite you to the Dutch Labor/Employment Law Seminar with the great support of JETRO Amsterdam and WK ADVOCATEN on the afternoon of Thursday, July 6 (CET). In this seminar, the specialists of WK ADVOCATEN will explain basics of Dutch labor/employment law that all management and HR representatives should know.  If you wish to attend, please register at the JCC website by Monday, June 26.  We hope that you will find the Seminar useful. We look forward to your registration!   – Date & Time: July […]

May 25, 2023


JCC/JETRO/Norton Rose Fulbright Seminar “Competition Law Issues HR Staff Should be Aware of”

Registration closed   JCC is pleased to invite you to a seminar organised in cooperation with JETRO Amsterdam and Norton Rose Fulbright LLP on 30 May 2023. Date / Time: Tuesday, 30 May 2023 from 15:00 – 18:00 (registration at 15:00) Location: Norton Rose Fulbright LLP Amsterdam Office  (2Amsterdam, 15th floor, Eduard van Beinumstraat 34, 1077 CZ Amsterdam) Languages: Japanese and English with presentation material in Japanese Registration: via members only site (username and password are required) Competition authorities in the EU are increasingly paying attention to labour-related issues. In view of this, in this seminar, we will explain labour-related issues from both labour law and competition law perspectives. First, […]

April 13, 2023


JCC/JETRO/EY Seminar “EX – Introduction of new business cases toward the carbon neutrality”

JCC/JETRO/EY Seminar “EX – Introduction of new business cases toward the carbon neutrality” We are pleased to invite you to the seminar which will be held in the afternoon (CET) on Wednesday, 29 March with full supports from Ernst & Young Netherlands, Japan Business Services (JBS) and JETRO Amsterdam. The European Commission announced a number of energy-related bills aimed at realizing the “European Green Deal”, which aims to make the EU climate neutral by 2050. Among them, EX (Energy Transformation) is set as one of the pillars of the European Green Deal, and the Dutch government has established a number of support measures, such as subsidies for energy businesses, in […]

March 1, 2023


2月8日(水)JCC/JETRO/AOMB共催 「日本企業のためのオランダ知財:基礎から欧州統一特許裁判所の導入まで」ウェビナー

English text is attached below     JCC投資事業環境部会   JCC会員各位   貴社益々ご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。   さて、この度、JCCはJETROアムステルダム事務所、AOMBアムステルダム事務所の全面的なご協力のもと、以下の通り、「日本企業のためのオランダ知財:基礎から欧州統一特許裁判所の導入まで」ウェビナーを開催いたします。 特許制度は国によって異なり、オランダでは日本での知識がそのまま適用できない状況も多々あります。しかし、日本企業にとってオランダ特許・欧州特許について知識を得られる場は限られています。 さらに、欧州で製品を製造または販売している全ての企業にとって影響のある欧州統一特許制度が2023年6月1日に導入されます。新制度の導入により特許の活用方法の選択肢が増えますが、企業はその選択を現時点で迫られることになっています。 今回のセミナーでは、特許に現在関わっている方々だけでなく、オランダ駐在の全ての方々にとって知っておくと便利と考えられる情報をAOMB社のご専門家に日本語で解説頂きます。 本セミナーが皆さまの情報収集の一環としてお役に立てれば幸甚です。 皆様のご参加を関係者一同心よりお待ち申し上げます。   記     ・     日時:2023年2月8日(水) 13:30-14:30 ・     形式:ウェビナー ・     使用言語:日本語 ・     参加費用:無料 ・     申し込み方法:JCC会員専用ホームぺージよりお申込みください ・     申し込み期限 2月7日(火) *  接続方法、リンクの御案内はお申込みいただいた方に後日別途お送りします。 ・     プログラム: 13:30 開会 13:35 – 14:30 : ウェビナー「日本企業のためのオランダ知財:基礎から欧州統一特許裁判所の導入まで」 AOMB 石黒正意 氏 (Senior European and Japanese Patent Attorney) 14:30 閉会     以上     Dear JCC member,   With the great cooperation of JETRO Amsterdam and the AOMB Amsterdam office, we invite you to join the webinar on ‘Dutch IP for Japanese companies: from the basic knowledge to the introduction of The Unified Patent Court (UPC) on February 8 from 13.30 – 14.30. Unfortunately this webinar will […]

January 17, 2023


JCC/JETRO/Deloitte Audit/Legal/Tax update seminar

JCC Trade & Investment Committee Dear JCC Members, JCC organizes the seminar Audit/Legal/Tax update seminar with the cooperation of JETRO and Deloitte on December 14. Traditionally we will take a deeper dive into the Tax Plan 2023 and relevant changes in legal and audit areas. In the current economic landscape requiring companies to be more sustainable and in face of CSRD (Corporate sustainability reporting directive), which is supposed to be introduced , this year our seminar will focus on ESG related topics including CSRD update. Malan, Lily, Director at Deloitte Risk Advisory, will provide insights to the latest developments in regulatory ESG/sustainability reporting in Europe and the anticipated timelines. Following […]

November 18, 2022


JCC/JETRO/AKD Seminar “Dutch Employment Law Update 2022”

JCC is pleased to invite you to a seminar organised in cooperation with JETRO Amsterdam and AKD on 21 November 2022. Date / Time: Monday, 21 November from 15:00 – 18:15 (registration at 14:30) Location: AKD Amsterdam Office  (Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970, 1081 LA Amsterdam) Language: English with a Japanese summary Registration: via members only site (username and password are required)   This seminar will focus on employment law changes in 2022. In this seminar, we will present the latest updates on the employment law, and focus on issues that employers are facing lately. In addition to addressing frequently asked questions, we will also answer your own questions in order to […]

October 4, 2022


【Registration closed】JCC/JETRO/PwC Seminar Securing resources and operational management in the rapidly changing European economy, and 2023 Dutch Tax Reform

    JCC Trade & Investment Committee Dear JCC Members,   Invitation to JCC/JETRO/PwC Seminar Securing resources and operational management in the rapidly changing European economy, and; 2023 Dutch Tax Reform   JCC organizes the seminar “Securing resources and operational management in the rapidly changing European economy, and; 2023 Dutch Tax Reform” with the cooperation of JETRO and PwC on October 26.   Despite the hope of economic recovery following the lifting of COVID-related restrictions, European economies are currently faced with increasing inflation due to energy and resource price increases following sanctions against Russia in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine. Interest rates are also set to increase going […]

September 26, 2022