
July 6, 2023

Results of the 2023 JCC member survey

Dear members

Between 9 May and 6 June 2023, the JCC conducted a JCC member survey with the aim of ascertaining the actual situation of its members. Thanks to the cooperation of many of our member companies (177 companies), we could compile the reliable results.

Based on the results of the questionnaire, we have also made the requests to the Dutch government and other authorities.

We conveyed our appreciation for their continuous support. At the same time, we also shared the issues surrounding JCC member companies and their employees (e.g. shortening of the 30% ruling, high (managiment and living) costs due to inflation, shortage of human resources, tightening of regulations in the Netherlands in line with tighter EU regulations, medical care issues for expatriates (including GP shortages), etc.).

  • 30 Jun (Fri) Presentation for NFIA (Netherlands Ministry of Economic and Climate Policy, Department for Business Attraction)
    Attendees: Hilde van der Meer, Director General, Hans Kuijpers (Director Investment Projects) Erwin Walstra (Project Manager )
  • Tuesday 4 July JCC member ROM (Dutch regional development agencies)
    Mr. Edwin Zonder (Brabant Office of Regional Development (BOM), Ms.Anna Elferink (ROM Utrecht Region Utrecht Region) and Mr. Adam Elzakalai, Deputy Mayor of Amstelveen, home to the largest Japanese community in the Netherlands, Mr. Julien Rikkoert from Amsterdam inbusiness.

The participants thanked the JCC for sharing the results of the questionnaire and the problems currently faced by JCC companies. They are, however, not only the issues for Japanese companies, but also the problem for the Netherlands as a whole.

Although this is very challenging period for us all, they insisted that they would continue to provide their support as much support as possible to JCC members.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the JCC Secretariat.

Please log in to the members-only page to view the survey results.


JCC Investment Business Environment Committee

Presentation for NFIA on June 30

Presentation for NFIA on July 4

Presentation for ROM’s


Download the survey after login to member only page with username and password.

July 6, 2023